About the Journal


denkste: puppe / just a bit of doll (de:do)
multidisziplinäre zeitschrift für mensch-puppen-diskurse / a multidisciplinary journal for human-doll discourses

de:do is an open access journal in which German and English contributions are welcome. The journal sees itself as an inter- and multidisciplinary publication platform on human-doll/puppet discourses, as a referential metaframe, and accepts contributions of all academic fields that clearly refer to the thematic focus (CfP) as well as free contributions to the metaframe. In addition to scientific contributions to the particular thematic focus, which are subject to a peer review process, more free articles and sections with doll/puppet-related topics are also included (miscellanea, interviews, forums for discussions, essays, artistic works, reviews, announcements etc.).

de:do is located at the “Forschungsstelle Schrift-Kultur” (Research Centre Writing Culture at the University of Siegen).

Both editors are located with de:do at Siegen University. Prof. Dr. Insa Fooken is emeritus (senior)professor of psychology with a focus on developmental psychology (of the life span) at the University of Siegen and Faculty 4 (Educational Sciences) at Goethe University Frankfurt. Dr. Jana Mikota is senior teacher (Oberstudienrätin) in the field of German Studies working at Siegen University with a focus on studies on children’s and young adults’ literature research.

Publication Frequency

normally: 1-2 issues per year in German and/or English language, in case of a „surplus“ and a high number of free contributions there may be an additional issue.


According to the idea of an inter- and multidisciplinary publication platform on human-doll discourses, which is also open for aspects of practical use and applied scientific theory and research, different types of contributions may be considered.

Scientific Articles

The focus is on 5-7 scientific contributions to the particular thematical focus, or with a general relevance for the topic of the metaframe, which should comply with the rules of scientific publishing. Focus articles refer to the particular Call for Papers (CfP). Free scientific articles referring to the general topic of the journal can be handed in continuously or may be included as “surpluses” of previous issues. These contributions are subject to a first internal reviewing process as well as a following formalized external double-blind review process.

Varia and other Sections

Other types of contributions may be included according to availability, feasibility and originality in different sections. These texts are all subject to an internal reviewing and editing process. They are only partially reviewed externally, only in need of clarification.


de:do is indexed in several international open access and journal databases, as for example BASE, Google Scholar , OpenAIRE and DOAJ.


de:do is using the OJS system and is hosted at CeDiS in Berlin. In order to ensure a persistent access, DOIs are assigned to focus articles as well as to complete issues of the journal. The focus articles as well as the complete issues of the journals are subject to long-term archiving by OPUS Siegen, the institutional repository of Siegen University Library, as well as by the German National Library.