Structure of articles submitted to de:do (modified “Harvard style”)
1. Text files, font, formatting
- Submit articles in Microsoft word (doc, docx) including page numbers
- It is possible to additionally submit a pdf version illustrating the desired overall appearance of the contribution.
- Please use common text fonts, such as Times New Roman, Arial etc. 12 pt.; in text line spacing: 1,5 pt., in citations and footnote line spacing: 1 pt.
- Do not use any (pre-)formatting, such as tabs, underlining, word etc.
- Headings can be bolded, otherwise use italics to emphasize words or text passages.
- Please use dashes (–) for itemization
- Please distinguish between a dash (–) and a hyphen (-)
- Please use typographical correct quotation marks
2. Length of article
- CfP articles and independent contributions should generally not exceed 30,000 characters (including spaces)
- For contributions in other sections (e.g. varia) the editorial staff should be contacted (should generally not exceed 15,000 characters, including spaces)
- Reviews should be between 4,000 and 8,000 characters (including spaces)
3. Abstract / keywords
- Abstracts should be submitted bilingual (German and English) and should contain between 500 and 1,000 characters (including spaces)
- For Varia and other artistic/literary contributions the title should be bilingual
- Please provide three to five keywords (also in English and German)
4. Outline
- Articles should be structured with subheadings and/or (additional) enumeration
- In case of an enumerated structure please use “Arabic” decimal numbers (1, 1.1, 2, … etc.)
5. Citations
- Quotations of less than three lines: double quotations marks
- Quotations within quotations: single quotation marks
- Quotations of three or more lines: indent three spaces, single spaced, no quotation marks
- Comments, explanatory remarks, interpolations (insertion of letters or words into linguistically incomplete texts): square brackets
- Omissions: suspension marks in square brackets
6. References sources in the text
- Use text citation
- Surname(s) of the author/publisher, year of publication, possibly page number without “p.” (Fooken 2012, 15); add f. in case of one more page or ff. in case of several pages (15f. or 15ff.)
- List several authors in brackets in alphabetic order; use semicolons to separate information concerning different authors; use commas to separate information concerning the same author
- Brackets should be closed after the citation or reference, but before the closing punctuation mark
- For in-text citations use “and” between two authors or to include the last named author (Fooken and Mikota 2014)
- For author listings in brackets use “&” (Fooken & Mikota 2014)
- For citations of more than two authors each author should be named at primary entry following the same notation (“and” or “&”) as above; then list only the first author et al., publication year (Mikota et al. 2010)
- When referring to a source for a second time within the same paragraph use (ibid.), including the page number if applicable (ibid., 12)
7. Footnotes
- Avoid using footnotes (option “footnote”, no endnote)
- Place the footnote reference mark after the word being referenced or after the punctuation mark
- Print footnote in single line spacing and font size 10 pt.
- Print footnote reference mark in font size 10 pt.
8. Figures, illustrations, photos, screenshots, diagrams, tables etc.
- Please submit enumerated figures and tables as separate documents; do not insert into text
- Indicate position of figures and tables in text by inserting “Fig. / Tab. X here”
- Please provide attached figures (jpg format) in sufficient resolution (at least 300 dpi)
- Request permission to use non-original figures and submit copyright permission by owner of authorship (for original and digital reprints)
- Be aware of copyright policies for “figure citations” (more information, esp. on § 51 "Zitate", can be found for example under or
9. Appendices and notes
- Arrange notes containing supplementary information to the main article as appendix and place at the end of the article. It is important to add a title to each appendix. Please enumerate two or more appendices or notes. Please reference to the respective note in the main article.
10. Bibliography / list of references
- Only list cited literature in alphabetic order, sorted into primary and secondary literature.
- Capitalization rules should follow the respective language.
- In the following table containing reference types referring to German publications use “(Hg.)” and “S.” instead of English “(Ed.)” and “p.” or “pp.”
- Please contact the editorial staff for special cases, such as translations, internet sources, blogs, references to videos, film, and music etc.
Type |
Form |
Example |
Monography (one or more authors) |
Surname, Given name(s), Surname, Given name(s) (Year). Title. Subtitle (possibly edition or note). City: Publisher |
Fooken, Insa (2012). Puppen – heimliche Menschenflüsterer. Ihre Wiederentdeckung als Spielzeug und Kulturgut (contributions from R. Lohmann). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupecht. |
Publisher’s editions (one or more publishers) |
Surname, Given name(s), Surname Given name(s) (Ed.) (Year). Title, Subtitle (possibly edition). City: Publisher |
Fooken, Insa, Mikota, Jana (Hg.) (2014). Puppen – Menschenbegleiter in Kinderwelten und imaginären Räumen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. |
Book chapter (from collected editions) |
Surname, Given name(s) (Year). Title. Subtitle. In Given name(s), Surname, Given name(s), Surname (Ed.), Title, Subtitle (pp. x-y). City: Publisher |
Mattenklott, Gundel (2014). Heimlich-unheimliche Puppe. Ein Kapitel zur Beseelung der Dinge. In Insa Fooken, Jana Mikota (Hg.), Puppen – Menschenbegleiter in Kinderwelten und imaginären Räumen (S. 29-42). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. |
Journal articles |
Name, Vorname(n), Name, Surname, Given name(s), Surname, Given name(s) (Year). Title. Name of Journal, Issue (Volume), x-y. |
Fooken, Insa, Depner, Anamaria, Pietsch-Lindt, Ursula (2016). ‘Betwixt things’ – Das Ambivalente der Dinge in Übergangskontexten. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 36 (2), 149-163. |
Online article |
Surname, Given name(s) (Year). Title, Subtitle. |
Breuer, Franz (2013). Hybride Objekte verbinden Personen und Generationen. Weitergabe – Gedenken – Transzendenz. Journal für Psychologie 21, (2) Accessed 14 Apr. 2015. Retrieved from: |