
Structure of articles submitted to de:do (modified “Harvard style”)

1. Text files, font, formatting

  • Submit articles in Microsoft word (doc, docx) including page numbers
  • It is possible to additionally submit a pdf version illustrating the desired overall appearance of the contribution.
  • Please use common text fonts, such as Times New Roman, Arial etc. 12 pt.; in text line spacing: 1,5 pt., in citations and footnote line spacing: 1 pt.
  • Do not use any (pre-)formatting, such as tabs, underlining, word etc.
  • Headings can be bolded, otherwise use italics to emphasize words or text passages.
  • Please use dashes (–) for itemization
  • Please distinguish between a dash (–) and a hyphen (-)
  • Please use typographical correct quotation marks

2. Length of article

  • CfP articles and independent contributions should generally not exceed 30,000 characters (including spaces)
  • For contributions in other sections (e.g. varia) the editorial staff should be contacted (should generally not exceed 15,000 characters, including spaces)
  • Reviews should be between 4,000 and 8,000 characters (including spaces)

3. Abstract / keywords

  • Abstracts should be submitted bilingual (German and English) and should contain between 500 and 1,000 characters (including spaces)
  • For Varia and other artistic/literary contributions the title should be bilingual
  • Please provide three to five keywords (also in English and German)

4. Outline

  • Articles should be structured with subheadings and/or (additional) enumeration
  • In case of an enumerated structure please use “Arabic” decimal numbers (1, 1.1, 2, … etc.)

5. Citations

  • Quotations of less than three lines: double quotations marks
  • Quotations within quotations: single quotation marks
  • Quotations of three or more lines: indent three spaces, single spaced, no quotation marks
  • Comments, explanatory remarks, interpolations (insertion of letters or words into linguistically incomplete texts): square brackets
  • Omissions: suspension marks in square brackets

6. References sources in the text

  • Use text citation
  • Surname(s) of the author/publisher, year of publication, possibly page number without “p.” (Fooken 2012, 15); add f. in case of one more page or ff. in case of several pages (15f. or 15ff.)
  • List several authors in brackets in alphabetic order; use semicolons to separate information concerning different authors; use commas to separate information concerning the same author
  • Brackets should be closed after the citation or reference, but before the closing punctuation mark
  • For in-text citations use “and” between two authors or to include the last named author (Fooken and Mikota 2014)
  • For author listings in brackets use “&” (Fooken & Mikota 2014)
  • For citations of more than two authors each author should be named at primary entry following the same notation (“and” or “&”) as above; then list only the first author et al., publication year (Mikota et al. 2010)
  • When referring to a source for a second time within the same paragraph use (ibid.), including the page number if applicable (ibid., 12)

7. Footnotes

  • Avoid using footnotes (option “footnote”, no endnote)
  • Place the footnote reference mark after the word being referenced or after the punctuation mark
  • Print footnote in single line spacing and font size 10 pt.
  • Print footnote reference mark in font size 10 pt.

8. Figures, illustrations, photos, screenshots, diagrams, tables etc.

  • Please submit enumerated figures and tables as separate documents; do not insert into text
  • Indicate position of figures and tables in text by inserting “Fig. / Tab. X here”
  • Please provide attached figures (jpg format) in sufficient resolution (at least 300 dpi)
  • Request permission to use non-original figures and submit copyright permission by owner of authorship (for original and digital reprints)
  • Be aware of copyright policies for “figure citations” (more information, esp. on § 51 "Zitate", can be found for example under or

9. Appendices and notes

  • Arrange notes containing supplementary information to the main article as appendix and place at the end of the article. It is important to add a title to each appendix. Please enumerate two or more appendices or notes. Please reference to the respective note in the main article.

10. Bibliography / list of references

  • Only list cited literature in alphabetic order, sorted into primary and secondary literature.
  • Capitalization rules should follow the respective language.
  • In the following table containing reference types referring to German publications use “(Hg.)” and “S.” instead of English “(Ed.)” and “p.” or “pp.”
  • Please contact the editorial staff for special cases, such as translations, internet sources, blogs, references to videos, film, and music etc.




Monography (one or more authors)

Surname, Given name(s), Surname, Given name(s) (Year). Title. Subtitle (possibly edition or note). City: Publisher

Fooken, Insa (2012). Puppen – heimliche Menschenflüsterer. Ihre Wiederentdeckung als Spielzeug und Kulturgut (contributions from R. Lohmann). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupecht.

Publisher’s editions (one or more publishers)

Surname, Given name(s), Surname Given name(s) (Ed.) (Year). Title, Subtitle (possibly edition). City: Publisher

Fooken, Insa, Mikota, Jana (Hg.) (2014). Puppen – Menschenbegleiter in Kinderwelten und imaginären Räumen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Book chapter (from collected editions)

Surname, Given name(s) (Year). Title. Subtitle. In Given name(s), Surname, Given name(s), Surname (Ed.), Title, Subtitle (pp. x-y). City: Publisher

Mattenklott, Gundel (2014). Heimlich-unheimliche Puppe. Ein Kapitel zur Beseelung der Dinge. In Insa Fooken, Jana Mikota (Hg.), Puppen – Menschenbegleiter in Kinderwelten und imaginären Räumen (S. 29-42). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Journal articles

Name, Vorname(n), Name, Surname, Given name(s), Surname, Given name(s) (Year). Title. Name of Journal, Issue (Volume), x-y.

Fooken, Insa, Depner, Anamaria, Pietsch-Lindt, Ursula (2016). ‘Betwixt things’ – Das Ambivalente der Dinge in Übergangskontexten. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 36 (2), 149-163.

Online article

Surname, Given name(s) (Year). Title, Subtitle.

Breuer, Franz (2013). Hybride Objekte verbinden Personen und Generationen. Weitergabe – Gedenken – Transzendenz. Journal für Psychologie 21, (2) Accessed 14 Apr. 2015. Retrieved from: